Fresh Whole Salmon 4-5KG EA

Fresh Whole Salmon 4-5KG EA
Fresh Whole Salmon 4-5KG EA
From Hideaway Bay and out along the southern waters of the Huon River are our various farm locations. Each of these locations provide the ideal conditions in which to farm our Atlantic salmon.
There are two groups of Omega-3 oils commonly referred to: one is sourced from plants, the other oily seafood such as salmon

The marine sourced Omega -3 oils – long chain fatty acids (LC n-3) such as EPA, DPA and DHA are considered to be the most beneficial.*

Every cell in your body uses long chain fatty acids. Sixty percent of the brain is made from structural fat, primarily DHA – one of two Omega-3 oils found in Huon’s Atlantic salmon.

CSIRO studies have shown that salmon contains between 10 and 100 times as much Omega-3 as beef, chicken, lamb and most other kinds of seafood.** A look at all of the other macronutrients, vitamins and minerals found in salmon compared to other foods confirms its place as a superfood.
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