HBS Hastings Shop
 HBS Hastings Shop
 HBS Hastings Shop Outside
 HBS Hastings Shop Outside 2
 HBS Hastings Shop Entry
 Hastings Whole Fish Display
 Hastings Whole Fish Display
 Hastings Whole Fish Display
 HBS Hastings Shop Fillet display
 HBS Hastings Shop Self Serve and Checkout
 HBS Vessel Trial B
 Trial B on the Slip
 HBS Vessel Saint Jude
 HBS Vessel Saint Jude coming of the slip after the new paint job
 Unloading a Large Swordfish
 Unloading Bigeye
 HBS Vessel Duncan
 HBS Vessel Danielle
 Jeanette steaming out of the Harbour
 Seafood Bistro
 Live Cray tanks